Τέσσερις (4) θέσεις για Πρακτική Άσκηση στο Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) στο Ερευνητικό Κέντρο Ispra στην Ιταλία
2012-IPR-H-000-00048 Interoperability of Spatial data sets - Software development deadline: 26th April 2012
2012-IPR-H-000-00048 Interoperability of Spatial data sets - Software development deadline: 26th April 2012
2012-IPR-H-000-00081 Web
portal design for activities of cross compliance and Farm Advisory System deadline: 6th May 2012
2012-IPR-H-000-00084 Supporting the identification of the Green
Infrastructure for Europe deadline: 6th May 2012
2012-IPR-H-000-00085 Virtual 3D forest sites for the validation of land
surface schemes: RAMI4PILPS deadline: 6th May 2012
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